Regalia Accessories

The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries continued this adornment of the Madonna and the Infant Jesus. The Santos Statue became adorned with a crown based on the idea of the coronation of Mary in Heaven after her Assumption took its rise in an accommodation of the words in the Song of Songs (4:8)
“Come, my bride, from Lebanon..thou shalt be crowned..,” and was chiefly developed and popularized by iconography.
The color of the glass or precious stones encrusted into the crowns have significance: white-faith, green-hope, red-charity, blue-purity, purple-sovereignty of Christ.
French crowns are most often gilded with large glass or precious stones. Italian and Spanish crowns are typically silver and unadorned with stones. These precious adornments are a disappearing and unreplenished historical commodity. Antique and Vintage Santos only increase in value as they age due in large part to the difficulty in obtaining them.
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